High-performance solutions for texturization
Starch offers lots of key functionalities in dairy products, including yogurt, dessert and fruit preps. Specialty starches can give viscosity and improve texture, enhance the smoothness of mouthfeel, and maintain stability during shelf life – and achieve all this cost-effectively. Global leader in starch specialties, Roquette is the only starch manufacturer to offer a range of modified starches produced from 7 different raw materials (3 types of maize together with wheat, potato and pea).
When thinking about achieving a specific texturization in yogurt and desserts, the following needs consideration:
- Shear during process, in which pH is a parameter that has to be considered.
- Processing and more particularly cooking temperature.
- Product stability during the whole shelf life.
- And last but not least: the cost-effectiveness achievable through milk protein substitution.
To adapt to different processes and different texture requirements of final products (i.e., yogurt, desserts, processed cheese and fruit prep recipes), Roquette has developed CLEARAM® CH, CR and CJ, a range of cook-up food specialty starches. CLEARAM® enhances viscosity and improves texture, ensures stability during shelf life, provides a smooth mouthfeel and consistent quality in final products, comes in an easy-to-process powder form, and is fully traceable and non-GMO.
An example of the successful use of one of the CLEARAM® grades is ambient drinking yogurt. Ambient drinking yogurt is actually a new category of dairy drink that, since its launch in 2010, has conquered China. Today, it represents approximately 13% of the country’s total yogurt category. Sales expectations are approximately €5 billion by the end of 2017.
This success in China has been driven by consumer demand for convenience, taste and nutritional benefit, trends also evident in many other countries.
To make ambient drinking yogurt appropriate for on-the-go consumption and snacking, its formulation has to provide smoothness and stability throughout shelf life (several months), while also preserving the fresh taste of yogurt.
Roquette has developed a unique solution that meets these specifications exactly: CLEARAM® CJ5025. It is a robust food specialty starch that supports a second heat treatment during processing and remains stable during shelf life. This characteristic enables the end product to be stored for several months at room temperature. On top of that, CLEARAM® CJ5025 imparts a smooth mouthfeel to the drinking yogurt.
ROQUETTE Pea Starch N-735 is a sustainable, native, yellow pea starch that supports gluten-free, clean label and texturizing solutions. It can be used in a wide range of applications; in cheese, it acts as an anti-caking agent for shredded cheese or even cheese pizza topping.
Roquette’s team of experts – backed by its application lab and pilot equipment – is always ready to help you make the most of the benefits you are looking for in your development project or to help you meet your product optimization targets. The full range of CLEARAM® texturizers for dairy products is available for exploration. Remember: these texturizers are just part of our unique and complete range of the maize, potato and pea-based raw materials that enable Roquette to offer an outstandingly comprehensive collection of dairy texturizing solutions.
More information about starches in food in Europe at www.starchinfood.eu.

Reliable alternatives to dairy proteins
Tasty, healthy, affordable, but also natural in origin and consistent in quality, that is today's consumers' expectations for dairy products.