Ethics and Compliance
Our Ethics & Compliance Strategy is founded on the Roquette Values, our Codes of Conduct, and our SpeakUp® system.
Compliance with applicable laws and the principles of integrity, honesty, ethical business practices are at the heart of who we are, the products and services we deliver, and how we conduct ourselves.
4 Committees at Board level: Appointment and Compensation, Audit, Ethics and Sustainable Development, Strategy.
At Roquette, we have always been committed to offering the best products and services, which is why today we are recognized as one of the world leaders in our sector. For over 90 years now, our culture of integrity and ethical behaviour has maintained this reputation, which is the driving force behind our growth.
We are a family-owned company guided by a strong sense of purpose. We are authentic people, we stay true to our commitments and we act with transparency. This is how we build trust, the most essential ingredient in everything we do.
The Roquette Values – Authenticity, Excellence, Well-Being and Forward-Looking – guide our actions day after day.
We adopt best practices and comply with applicable
local, national and international laws and regulations wherever we do business.
We have zero tolerance for corruption
To prevent risks of corruption, Roquette has implemented a robust global ethics & compliance program with a zero-tolerance approach to any form of corruption or bribery.
We are mindful of the Human Rights and the Environment
Roquette recognizes its legal, moral and commercial need to respect human rights and closely monitors the Group’s impacts on people and the planet. Roquette acts with due diligence to avoid infringing the rights of others and avoid causing or contributing to adverse human rights impacts through our activities and relationships.
We select trusted business partners
Knowing our customers and suppliers is increasingly important, and we implement systems and processes to ensure compliance with international sanctions and trade controls, as well as anti-money laundering and terrorist financing laws throughout the world.
We value Personal Data Protection
Roquette is committed to protecting privacy and personal data of employees, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders
Learn more about our Data Protection Strategy.
We support fair competition
We comply with regulations governing business and competition practices in all the countries in which we operate.
Maintaining and reinforcing the trust of our customers and our suppliers is of paramount importance.
With our Codes of Conduct, we uphold the highest standards as an employer, in our relationships with stakeholders, and as a responsible corporate citizen, everywhere we operate.
SpeakUp and we’ll listen
Roquette is committed to maintaining a "Speak Up" culture by promoting an open and trusting dialogue with employees at all levels and other stakeholders.
If you wish to report a potential violation of the law, or improper or unethical behaviour, you may raise a question or report a concern using the Roquette SpeakUp® system.
- If you are not a Roquette Employee: you can get in touch with your usual point of contact or report a problem through the SpeakUp® platform.
- If you are a Roquette Employee: some issues can be resolved directly with your manager or Human Resources. You may also raise a question or make a report using through the SpeakUp®platform.
- The SpeakUp® online / phone platform is operated by an independent provider and is anonymous by default. Unless willfully disclosed in the report, the system does not ask for any elements allowing the identification of the person making the report. All alerts received through this platform will be investigated and dealt with confidentially and respect for relevant laws and regulations.
Roquette protects those who Speak Up and raise concerns appropriately; we do not retaliate against anyone who raises a concern, or against those who assist in investigations of suspected violations.
Commitment #1
Roquette is dedicated to treating anyone working within its organization with respect and to providing the conditions for everyone to maintain dignity.
Consult our UK Modern Slavery statement here.
Consult our Canada Modern Slavery statement here.
Consult our Italian Gender Equality Policy here.
Commitment #2
Each entity of the Group is committed to comply with all applicable tax laws and regulations in the countries where we operate. Compliance includes both paying the right amount of tax (in the right jurisdiction and in due time) and observing filling requirements.
Roquette Group tax policy can be found here.
Commitment #3
Since 2009, Roquette has been a member of the UN Global Compact. The UN Global Compact brings together businesses, organizations, UN agencies, labor stakeholders and civil society around 10 universally recognized principles designed to build companies that are more stable and more inclusive.
Extra-Financial Performance
You can find here our Declarations of Extra-Financial Performance and the Auditors certificates.
2019 DEFP - 2019 certificate | 2020 DEFP - 2020 certificate | 2021 DEFP - 2021 certificate | 2022 DEFP - 2022 certificate
Publications from 023 onwards are available on our Sustainability website.