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Isosorbide Diester

POLYSORB® ID Isosorbide Diester provides benefits in performance materials as a safe, specialty plasticizer. It is an alternative of choice to standard petrochemical-based plasticizers. Registered in accordance with chemical control laws in main plastic producing areas, Roquette recommends POLYSORB® ID plasticizer for applications in direct contact with end-users (hospital floorings, decorative indoor surfaces, school furniture, etc.).

Phthalate-free and 100% bio-based, POLYSORB® ID is a blend of diesters obtained from esterification of isosorbide with plant-based fatty acids. It offers outstanding compatibility and processability with PVC resins. Due to its great efficiency, you will find it an alternative of choice to standard petrochemical-based plasticizers.

® Registered trademark(s) of Roquette Frères
    100% Bio-based
    Chemistry intermediate


    • Intermediate for Chemistry
      • Plasticizer

    Functional Properties

    • Intermediate for the production of polymers and resins

    Other Properties and Benefits

    • Environment-friendly

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    Product Types

    POLYSORB® ID 46 - EXP - ISOSORBIDE - #425106

    Key attributes: Phthalate-free, 100% bio-based, biodegradable
    Unfortunately this product is not available for sampling
    POLYSORB® ID Isosorbide Diester provides benefits in performance materials as a bio-based and safe plasticizer. 


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    Registrations may vary depending on local regulations

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