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Functional Pea Protein

NUTRALYS® F are functional pea proteins designed for protein enrichment where emulsifying or gelling properties are desired.

Their emulsifying properties make it possible to produce strong, stable emulsions in various meat-free, gluten-free or savory products. For example, in fish and meat products: improved yield; juiciness; good aspect and texture are key benefits of NUTRALYS® pea protein incorporation. They differ in their particle size and density, visual appearance, to meet Food and Nutrition application needs.  NUTRALYS® F85M allows you to boost protein content and improve texture in gluten-free bakery products. 

Roquette has been releasing the power of plant proteins for more than 40 years.  Contact us to discuss how we can help you use of power of the pea!

® Registered trademark(s) of Roquette Frères
    Plant-based Protein
    Water and Fat Retention
    Emulsifying & Gelling


    • Bakery & Snacks
      • Salty snacks
      • Sweet biscuit & cookie
      • Cereal bar
      • Cake and pastry
      • Bread
      • Breakfast cereal
    • Savory
      • Plant-based meat
      • Ready meal
      • Noodle & Pasta
      • Soup
      • Sauce
      • Dressing & mayonnaise
      • Seasoning

    Functional Properties

    • Transparency and Label Friendly
      • Label-friendly
      • Gluten-free
      • Soy alternative
    • Texture and Taste
      • Gelling
    • Health and Nutrition
      • Protein enrichment
      • Muscle and weight management
    • Formulation Performance
      • Emulsification

    Other Properties and Benefits

    • Excellent digestibility
    • Balanced amino acid profile (Arginine and BCAA boost)
    • High PDCAAS, complementary to wheat and other cereal proteins
    • Low levels of anti-nutritional factors
    • Natural ingredient
    • Fully traced source
    • High protein content: 85% (D.S.)

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    Product Types

    NUTRALYS® PEA F853M -PEA PROTEIN - #212058

    Key attributes: High gelling properties. Medium particule size. Reduced sodium content.
    Unfortunately this product is not available for sampling

    Functional pea protein with higher gelling properties and reduced pH to develop mouthwatering plant-based food textures and improve finished product stability. 

    NUTRALYS® F85M - #212008

    Key attributes: Medium particule size. Gelling & film forming properties. Gluten-free bakery. Non-GMO Project verified.
    Unfortunately this product is not available for sampling
    Medium grade functional pea protein

    NUTRALYS® L85M - #212028

    Key attributes: Low sodium. Medium particule size. Gelling & emulsifying properties. Non-GMO Project Verified.
    Unfortunately this product is not available for sampling

    The pea protein isolate for formulation meat alternatives and protein fortification with lesser salt content.


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    Regulation & Compliance

    Registrations may vary depending on local regulations

    Please contact us to discuss your regulation and compliance questions.

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