Around Jellies and Wine Gum Process
Technical Troubleshooting

Around Jellies and Wine Gum Process

    1. Premix containing water/glucose syrup/sucrose.
    2. Cooking at 115°C/120°C. 
    3. Addition of gelatin solution 30 to 40% DS at around 90°C (Gelatin could be added in the premix if the cooking stage is fast enough to not destroy it.).
    4. Addition of CFA (Color, Flavor, Acid). 
    5. Deposit in starch molding trays and store at ambiant temperature for 24 hours usually.
  • The higher the fluidification level is, the lower the hot viscosity is (for the same botanical origin).
  • Most of the time, recipes contain 10-15% of starches. It will depend if there is another hydrocolloid in the recipe.
  • The botanical origin, fluidification level, stabilization level.