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Maltitol Liquid

LYCASIN® Maltitol liquids are used as vehicle and humectant for syrups, suspensions and as sweetener in lozenges and medicated confectionary. 

LYCASIN® has taste and sweetness properties ideal for the preparation of sugar-free syrups made for pediatric and diabetic population.

® Registered trademark(s) of Roquette Frères
    High chemical and microbial stability
    Sucrose Replacement
    Natural Sweetness


    • Oral Dosage for Pharmaceuticals and/or Nutraceuticals
      • Losenge
      • Medicated Confectionary
      • Syrups, Suspension, liquids

    Functional Properties

    • Excipient
      • Humectant
      • Vehicle

    Other Properties and Benefits

    • Multicompendial
    • Low glycemic index
    • Low insulinec index

    Documents & Samples

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    When a product is verified 'available for sale' in an area, you can be assured that Roquette has met all the standards and registrations required by that area's regulatory authorities.
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    Product Types

    LYCASIN® 75/75 - #482113

    Key attributes: High stability of medicine syrup, Pleasant taste and sweet solution, Non cariogenic
    Unfortunately this product is not available for sampling

    Content on dry basis: 72-76%, Available as non-GMO 

    LYCASIN® 80/55 - #421519

    Key attributes: High stability (common grade) of medicine syrup, Pleasant taste and sweet solution, Non cariogenic
    Unfortunately this product is not available for sampling

    Content on dry basis: 50-55%

    LYCASIN® 85/55 - MALTITOL SYRUP - #421526

    Key attributes: Concentrated solution enabling the addition of more water in the formulation, High stability of medicine syrup, Pleasant taste and sweet solution, Non cariogenic
    Unfortunately this product is not available for sampling

    Content dry basis: 50-55%


    Key attributes: High stability of medicine syrup, Pleasant taste and sweet solution, Non cariogenic
    Unfortunately this product is not available for sampling



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    Regulation & Compliance

    Registrations may vary depending on local regulations


    • European Pharmacopoeia
    • United States Pharmacopeia

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