NUTRALYS® B85F | Insoluble Pea Protein
Product Profile

NUTRALYS® B85F | Insoluble Pea Protein

Product Name NUTRALYS® B85F
Generic Name Insoluble Pea Protein
Physico-chemical properties
Key Attributes of product type (Functional properties, value proposition) Low viscosity. Higher protein incorporation rate as well as enhanced texture in various protein-enriched bakery goods
Ingredient Raw material Pea
Dry Substance 90 %
Calories 4 Kcal/g
Average mean particle diameter/size 100 µm
Solubility 7.5 g/100g
Powder density 450 g/l
Bars - usage Plant Protein
Bars - Taste - Sweetness (Score on 10 with sucrose = 10) 0
Bars - Machinability (From 1 low to 5 high) 5
Bars - Texture - Hardness (From 1 low to 5 high) 3
Bars - Texture - Elasticity (From 1 low to 5 high) 2
Bars - Texture - Sandiness (From 1 low to 5 high) 3
Bars - Texture Stability over shelflife (From 1 low to 5 high) 5
Bars - Binding Power (From 1 low to 5 high) 1

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