Mannitol 35
Product Profile

Mannitol 35


Product Name Mannitol 35
Generic Name Mannitol
Physico-chemical properties
Ingredient Raw material Corn
Dry Substance 99 %
Reducing Sugar 0.3 % max
Main component >98% Mannitol
Calories 2.4 Kcal/g
Average mean particle diameter/size 50 µm
Solubility 20 g/100g
Powder density 500 g/l
Chewy sweet & marshmallow
Type Sugar Management
Recommended dosage 8 % of the recipe
Usage Bulk Sweetner
Powder Flowability (From 1 low to 5 high) 1
Hardness (From 1 low to 10 high) 1
Stability (From 1 low to 5 high) 5
Smoothness (From 1 low to 5 high) 5
Taste - Cooling Effect (From 0 none to 5 high) 0
Taste - Sweetness (Score on 10 with sucrose = 10) 1

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