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Hydroxypropyl-betacyclodextrin HPB and HP-Parenteral grade

KLEPTOSE® HPB & HP hydroxypropyl-betacyclodextrin parenteral grade materials that are used as encapsulating agents for Rx injectables. These are modified betacyclodextrins for parenteral use. Modified betacyclodextrins used in parenteral preparations provide active substance stabilization improvement against light and oxidation as well as enhancement of solubilization of active pharmaceutical ingredients.

Molecular encapsulation with modified beta-cyclodextrins has become an accepted and useful tool for pharmaceutical developers. There are currently several pharmaceutical products containing modified cyclodextrin complexes on the market. Roquette has pioneered the industrial development of cyclodextrins with its KLEPTOSE® range of betacyclodextrins.

hydroxypropyl-betacyclodextrin (HPBCD) is a white, amorphous powder. The HPBCD molecule is a torus shaped ring with a polar hydrophilic outside and an apolar hydrophobic cavity. 

® Registered trademark(s) of Roquette Frères
    Pyrogen Free
    DMF Available
    GMP Certificate


    • Injectables
      • Rx Injectables

    Functional Properties

    • Excipient
      • Encapsulating Agent
      • Solubilizer
      • Stabilizer

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    Product Types


    Key attributes: Molecular encapsulation, Improve injectable API solubility and/or stability
    Unfortunately this product is not available for sampling

    High molecular substitution (MS) = 0.81 - 0.99


    Key attributes: Molecular encapsulation, Improve injectable API solubility and/or stability
    Unfortunately this product is not available for sampling

    Medium molecular substitution (MS) = 0.58 - 0.68


    Key attributes: Molecular encapsulation, Improve injectable API solubility and/or stability
    Unfortunately this product is not available for sampling

    Medium molecular substitution (MS) = 0.50 - 0.71


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    Regulation & Compliance

    Registrations may vary depending on local regulations


    • European Pharmacopoeia
    • United States Pharmacopeia


    • A Drug Master File (DMF) is available. Please contact us to discuss this information

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    The information available here is not intended to indicate that a specific product is available or approved for sale in a country. It is meant to provide general information about our products and facilities. Should you have any specific questions about the availability of a product in particular, please click here.