How to choose the appropriate dextrose equivalent (DE) of maltodextrin for the desired osmolarity
Osmolarity and its influencing factors
Maltodextrin is a carbohydrate and the most efficient energy substrate for muscles and the brain. It is commonly used in sports nutrition and clinical nutrition. Maltodextrin is a 100% glucose-based energy that can be fast digested in the small intestine, so it is well tolerated as there is no colonic fermentation.
To have good hydration, the osmotic pressure of these products should not be more than 320 mOsm/kg as intracellular osmolality is 280-320 mOsm/kg. The osmolality of maltodextrin is highly related to its DE value. The higher the DE of maltodextrin is, the higher the osmotic pressure.
Roquette’s GLUCIDEX® maltodextrin and dry glucose syrup range offers a large choice of DE, from 1 to 47. You can choose the appropriate DE according to your osmolality purpose.
We tested the osmotic pressure of different GLUCIDEX® maltodextrin DE values. The concentration of GLUCIDEX® solution is 5g/100g, 10g/100g and 15g/100g. The osmotic pressure is tested by vapor pressure osmometer. The results are below in figure 1.
Figure 1: Osmotic pressure of different GLUCIDEX® DE values in different concentrations. DE 6, 12, 19, 21, 29, 39, 47 are maltodextrin and glucose syrup powder from Roquette. Sucrose and glucose are commercial products from other suppliers.
We can learn from figure 1 that all GLUCIDEX® maltodextrin (with DE value from 6 to 47) has lower osmotic pressure than sucrose and glucose. Therefore, maltodextrin can maximize hydration. The osmotic pressure of GLUCIDEX® is positively correlated with the DE value. The concentration is another key factor related to osmotic pressure. The higher the concentration is, the higher the osmotic pressure goes. Lower GLUCIDEX® DE (DE< 12) is recommended for lower osmotic pressure.
In addition
Maltodextrin (DE≤ 20) or dry glucose syrup (DE> 20) is a polymer containing monosaccharides, disaccharides, oligosaccharides, and polysaccharides. It is hydrolyzed from starch or starchy raw materials by enzymatic method, acid enzyme combination, or acid method. The hydrolysis process of GLUCIDEX® is strictly controlled, so it has stable components and accurate DE value. GLUCIDEX can provide stable osmotic pressure for sports and clinical nutrition.
Considering the osmolarity, GLUCIDEX® maltodextrin as a 100% glucose-based energy source, is the best choice for fast recovery for your sports and clinical nutrition products.