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Roquette Food4ThoughtTV Event

Replay of the live show Dec. 10, 2021

Satisfying, tasty, indulgent, nutritional and healthy food… We want it all, and we want it now! 

At Roquette, we believe innovation and creativity are the keys to meet these rising consumer demands. That’s why we decided to fuel your formulation ideas with original, online interactive content featured on our Food4ThoughtTV on 10 December 2021.

2 hours of live experts talk, food demonstrations, cooking show, and innovation round-table… to inspire food manufacturers with A Taste of Tomorrow.

During the event, attendees discovered how to formulate innovative, tasty, and high-quality food and beverages with a plant-based approach and how Roquette drives innovation to create nutritional, texturizing and cost-efficient solutions.  

Did you miss this opportunity? Then, access the replays!

Replay 1     Research Scientist Interview

Jérémie Lafraire Jérémie Lafraire, Ph.D. in Cognitive Science

Jerémie manages the Cognitives Sciences' Team at Institute Paul Bocuse, France.
He tells us about how consumers relate to food through their senses, and questions today’s food trends. 

Replay 2     Live Demonstrations

Roquette experts demonstrate food applications from innovative plant-based ingredients, which perfectly answer today’s needs in the food industry: indulgent, healthy and satisfying.
Antoine Barre Antoine Barre, Global Technical Developer, Food Customer Technical Services

Thomas Boursier Thomas Boursier, Application Scientist, Food Customer Technical Services
Valérie Le Bihan Valérie Le Bihan, Global Marketing Food Specialties

Replay 3     Innovation Roundtable

Roquette experts talk about the company’s latest innovation moves, around the world, answering the market's food trends.
Voiry Benjamin  Benjamin Voiry, Marketing - Pea and New Proteins
Laetitia Guerin-Dereumaux Laetitia Guérin-Dereumaux
, Nutrition & Health R&D
Damien-Pierre Lesot Damien-Pierre Lesot, Food Technical Developers Team Manager