Glycemic and Insulinemic Responses of NUTRIOSE® in Healthy Volunteers of Different Countries
The objective of these studies was to measure and compare the glycemic and insulinemic responses (GR and IR) of a 50g intake of NUTRIOSE®, a resistant dextrin containing 85% of resistant fiber, to a 50g intake of glucose, in healthy volunteers of different countries.
Glycemic and insulinemic responses of NUTRIOSE® in healthy volunteers of different countries
- C. LEFRANC-MILLOT, Roquette Group, Lestrem, France
- B. RODRIGUEZ, Roquette Group, Lestrem, France
- M. CAZAUBIEL, Biofortis Mérieux NutriSciences, Paris, France
- A. JENKINS, Glycemic Index Laboratories, Toronto, Canada
- H. LIGHTOWLER, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK
- P. MEENA, C.L.A.I.M.S. Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, India
- X. PELLETIER, Eurofins Optimed, Gières, France
- X. XIANG, Beijing Research Institute for Nutritional Resources, Beijing, China.
- C. THABUIS, Roquette Group, Lestrem, France
- L. GUERIN-DEREMAUX, Roquette Group, Lestrem, France
Healthy diet, regular physical activity, maintenance of a normal body weight are huge contributors to prevention of the scourge of obesity and diabetes. Increasing the daily intake in dietary fibres, such as the resistant dextrin NUTRIOSE®, brings unmatched advantages to the food balance equation and might moreover be a key in this prevention because of their potentially low GI (Glycemic Index).
According to Jenkins et al. (2), the Glycemic Index allows to classify foods as “high, medium or low GI”, depending on their impact on the raising of blood glucose after ingestion. Glycemic response, recognized by the 2005 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee as “the effects that carbohydrate-containing foods have on blood glucose concentration during the time course of digestion”, allows to accurately measure and compare the impacts on blood sugar when it is not possible to administrate as defined 50g of available carbohydrate. It is the case for non-digestible ones such as dietary fibre.
In these studies, we aimed at measuring and comparing the Glycemic and Insulinemic Responses (GR and IR) of a 50g intake of NUTRIOSE®, a resistant dextrin containing 85% of resistant fibre, to a 50g intake of glucose, in healthy volunteers of different countries.
Materials and Methods
General methodology and calculation
- 6 different trials, conducted in 5 countries, all placebo controlled, randomized, in cross-over (see table 1)
- Objectives of the trials
Primary: to evaluate the Glycemic Response of NUTRIOSE®
Secondary: to evaluate the Insulinemic Response of NUTRIOSE® - Regular sampling during the 120 minutes of the session taking place after an overnight fasting
- The iAUC = Incremental Area Under the blood glucose or insulin Curve was calculated geometrically, ignoring the area beneath the baseline.
- Blood glycemic and insulinemic responses calculated and expressed as:
Summary of the different protocols and main values
Figures 1 and 2 illustrate the shapes of the curves obtained in these trials (Oxford Brookes trial).
Conclusion and prospects
- Glycemic responses of NUTRIOSE® ranged from 25 to 48, insulinemic responses from 13 to 20, both ranges indicating very low responses. The variations observed might be related to the variations in protocols (number of volunteers, methods of dosage, type of sampling…) as well as a population effect, but other trials would be necessary to confirm this hypothesis.
- Previously, a 12-week supplementation with NUTRIOSE® had already demonstrated its ability to lower insulin resistance, improve determinants of metabolic syndrome(3) and induce improvements in body composition and weight, energy intake and hunger in overweight men(4)
- Moreover, NUTRIOSE® soluble fibre is outstandingly tolerated during digestion, and has numerous technological advantages: non viscous, neutral in taste, stable to food processes and throughout its shelf-life, versatile and easy to incorporate in liquid as well solid products.
- Therefore NUTRIOSE® soluble fibre, may be a good candidate for sugar and energy substitution or reduction, and for fibre content improvement of food, possibly helping consumers having regular physical activity to reach the dietary recommendations worldwide, and contributing to obesity and diabetes prevention.
1] WHO, 2014, Factsheets 311 and 312. Updated January 2015 ; [2] Am J Clin Nutr., 1981 ; 34(3):362-6 ; [3] Appl. Physiol. Nutr. and Metab., 2010 ; 35: 773–782 ; [4] Int. J. of Food Sci. and Nutr., 2011 ; 62(6): 628-635
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